
store in style

I found some crazy cute fabric at Wal-Mart and just HAD to make something with it.  I decided to make some makeup bags for my younger sister and my teenage cousin.  Let me preface this project by saying this is absolutely one of the easiest things I have ever made.  Anyone with a sewing machine and some fabric can whip up this baby in less than half an hour.  I don't follow patterns, I'm just not good at it.  Though, I will try my hardest to use measurements and standardize everything as much as possible so that it is easy to follow.

Just for reference:
Fabric 1 - Owl fabric
Fabric 2 - Teal fabric

You will need:
10x9 piece of each fabric
10x6 piece of each fabric
5x4 piece of fabric 2
2 inch strip of velcro (meaning both part of the velcro being 2 inches)

First, fold the 5x4 piece of fabric in half and sew down the two sides, leaving the bottom open.  Turn the piece right side out, this will become your little flap.

Take the larger square of fabric two and sew the unused strip of velcro on to the middle of the top of the square.  Lay this finished square down, with the velcro facing up, lay the tab you already made on the velcro.  The unfinished side of the tab should be hanging off of the fabric square.  (Remember, you are turning this inside out so the unfinished part will be between the two layers of fabric)  La the large square of fabric one on top of this face down.  Pin the three pieces together, so that they do not shift while you are sewing.  Sew the top and two sides together.  (The top is the side with the velcro and tab).  Turn the square inside out.

Next, take the smaller of the two sets of squares and lay fabric on down face up.  Place fabric two on top, face down.  Sew the top and two sides together, leaving the bottom open so that you can turn it inside out.  Turn the square right side out and sew one side of the velcro on the middle of the top of the square.

You now have the front and back of your bag. Place the two one on top of the other with fabric one facing each other.  Sew down the two sides, only going as high as the smaller square, and across the bottom.

Now, your bag is basically finished, you just need to turn it right side out.  However, I am going to show you a trick!  Sewing the corners in a special way will help the bag to stand up a little better and give it the appearance of being deeper in a way.  To do so, grab the corners, pressing the hem to the bottom of the bag (look at the picture, it will help to make sense) with your thumb and index finger.  Sew this fold together, the further you sew it from the corner, the  wider the bag will sit.

You've done it!  Created a great little bag.  Turn the bag right side out and enjoy your creation.  I put some make-up in the bags and gave them as gifts to the girls.  However, this would make a unique little pencil holder or even a snack bag.  Adjust the measurements of the bag any way you want to create a bag of any size to meet your needs!  Just make sure that one square is larger than the other to accommodate the fold.

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